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  • Moto technical control 2023

    April 01, 2021 11 Comments

    Contrôle technique Moto 2023

    We will try to take stock of the current situation concerning the technical control And Personalized motorcycles. We will also do a European Tour To see the situation in the neighboring countries of France. 
    Then we will try to project ourselves in order to see what can Wait in France.

    Read the latest news from June 2023 On the subject: https://remmotorcycle.com/blogs/remmotorcycle/le-controle-technique-moto-prevu-pour-2023


    What we know today for France.


     After years of struggle (partly thanks to the FFMC), motorcycle technical control has not yet been established in France. It has been postponed for years. This is a subject that returns to the front of the stage since the 2000s.

    It is a European law, therefore, which will be, most certainly, applied one day or another ... But alternatives can be found. 

    As you surely know, there was a vote in the European Parliament on February 25, 2021 for (48 votes for and 1 votes against - as a reminder there are 705 MEPs) for the application of the 2 -wheeled technical control in 2022 as provided for in European directive 2014/45/EU.

    Note that according to European directives, European countries are not not forced to adopt the Motorcycle technical control If they cannot justify measures to reduce the number of accidents (The doubling of the safety slides, the repair of roads, or the use of abrasive paintings for ground markings, etc.).

    This alternative system only concerns the few European countries who have already implemented these measures. 


    MAJ from 05/17/2022:

    Read the latest information about the motorcycle CT




    Why is motorcycle technical control unnecessary?

    To put it simply, only 5% of motorcycle accidents are due to a technical problem. The cost / benefit ratio of this measure is no longer to be demonstrated. Indeed, such a measure will cost taxpayers dearly without convincing results.

    A second study called Maids (Motorcycle accident in Depth Study), produced in 2005, shows that only 0.3% of accidents are linked to a technical failure (essentially linked to tires).

    On the other side, there are companies like Dekra Who make Lobbying in Brussels to win a new market estimated at 1.5 billion euros per year.



    We invite you to read the argument of the FFMC

     Motorcycle technical control: Europe requests it, the FFMC requests France to clarify its position


    Automobile technical control

    Let's take stock of automotive technical control in order to better understand the challenges and objectives.

    It must be understood that the CT (technical control) concerns Functional and security organs.

    As Minister Elisabeth Borne recalled:

    "The role of technical control is therefore to verify that controlled vehicles do not affect road safety or the environment. It is not to validate or refuse transformations made to a vehicle, whether or not they modify its technical characteristics. This question of the validation of changes in the vehicle is the field of reception on the one hand, with regard to notable transformations, and registration on the other hand, with regard to the modification of characteristics indicated on the certificate registration. Vehicles being the subject of "tuning" have therefore been part of this general legislation for years. »»

     Vehicle control is revolved around 9 main elements : steering, lighting and signaling, equipment, brakes, ground connection, mechanics, pollution and noise level, bodywork and chassis, visibility.


    Modified cars and technical control:

     E30 Swappé (M70B50 Conversion) (rtsauto.com)

    A modified car having benefited from a "swap"; that is to say a larger (generally) change of engine change, and all the other organs have been changed (front and rear axle, braking system, rims, steering wheel, transmissions, etc.) can perfectly have a valid technical control.

    Thus a prepared vehicle, considered as illegal by the marshal can have a valid technical control.

    THE Ct is only one of the elements necessary to roll legally. It is added to a gray card, a insurance and a driving license For the vehicle concerned.



    How is it going in other European countries?

    Now that we have clarified the situation, we are going to take stock of the European situation To see how this European law is applied or not depending on the different countries.
    Let us take stock of the current situation between Countries without motorcycle technical control, countries with motorcycle technical control And countries or no decision has been made.

    It should be noted that the less strong the country's biker defense associations are, the more control is generally severe

    In addition, all European countries have a history, a culture And A different approach both, vis-à-vis the motorcycle, of the individual freedoms and road safety



    European countries without motorcycle technical control


    IRELAND Flag: Ireland on Google Android 11.0 December 2020 Feature Drop

    Ireland has decided not to set up a technical control everything indicating that alternative measures were going to be taken To improve motorcycle safety of motorcycles.


    FINLAND Flag: Finland on Apple iOS 14.2

    Finland has carried out the actions necessary to reduce motorcycle accidents And thus overlooking the obligation to have a technical control for motorcycles. 


    THE NETHERLANDS Flag: Netherlands on Apple iOS 14.2

    The Netherlands will not set up a motorcycle technical control Because they have implemented for several years plans for road safety concerning motorcycles. The plan was set up in 2010. 

    Here are major measures:

    Actieplan Verbetering Verkeersveiligheid Motorrijders Apk

    Translation :

    - Improve bikers' training

    - Inform bikers as well as possible

    - Inform and educate motorists

    - Carry out a study on the effects of the visibility of motorcyclists on road safety.

    - Write Crow directives

    - Implement the 3rd directive on motorcycle permits (permits A, A1 and A2).


    BELGIUM  Flag: Belgium on Apple iOS 14.2


    Belgium is currently in The same situation as France.

    Here is a video explaining the current situation in Belgium:

    Source: (RTBF.BE)  Date: February 4, 2021


    As indicated in the video, the Wallonia could choose to apply a technical control in the event of a resale or after an accident.

    We will know more in the coming months concerning the decisions taken in Belgium.


    MONTENEGRO Flag: Montenegro on Apple iOS 14.2

    No motorcycle technical control currently. 


    PORTUGAL Flag: Portugal on Apple iOS 14.2

    Portugal is in a situation similar to France, the Motorcycle technical control is not applied at present and the Portuguese government has not yet ruled on this subject. 

    On the other hand, there are A law has already been established on this subject. However, a decree must still be voted for this law to be applicable: 

    Article 11 paragraph 5 ( 114276684 (DRE.PT)):

    "The obligation to carry out periodic checks on motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles, as well as on the trailers and semi-trailers referred to in n ° 3.1 of Annex I of this decree-law takes effect until the publication of the decree referred to in n ° 5 of article 11. "

    Other information on technical inspections in Portugal: Tipos de Inspeções (Imt-Ip.pt)



    European countries with motorcycle technical control:


    ITALY FLAG: Italy on Apple iOS 14.2 


    Italy has applied a check since 2014 to all 2 wheels. 

    The technical control is to be carried out within 4 years depending on the date of the first registration then Every two years.

    The cost is 45 to 66.88 € depending on the place where the examination is carried out (tariff 2020). 

    In the event of an offense, the fine is between € 173 (deadlines exceeded for a few weeks) at € 8009 and 3 months of administrative retention (if the motorcycle was already in traffic suspension).

    In the event of an accident with a motorcycle without a validated exam, insurance does not cover the costs.

    Compulsory periodic control in Italy is used to check the following elements: 

    • Brakes
    • Direction
    • Electrical system (in particular the lights and the sound signator)
    • Axle and suspension
    • Integrity of the frame and the license plate (that is, identification verification: frame number / manufacturer's plate = CG number)
    • Noise levels (following CG and manufacturer's plate)
    • Polluting gas levels (if applicable)
    • Speed ​​limit (for mopeds)



    The noise and pollution limits are checked in relation to the manufacturer's data when the vehicle has it or the general scale established.

    The speed limit is 45 km/h for mopeds.


    Once the exam has passed, there are 3 possibilities: 

    • Valid : means that you can circulate and that the next examination will take place in 2 years
    • Repeat : You can continue to circulate, but you will have to repeat the exam in the 1 month (if it does not pass the validation).
    • Suspended : you will have to carry out the interventions indicated in the certificate in order to circulate again


    Here is the example of 2 motorcycles available on the Italian second -hand market and with Italian technical control:

    Source: www.subito.it


    Here is a BMW K100 whose loop, saddle, exhaust, LED strip and other elements have been modified. This motorcycle has a validated exam. 


    Source: www.subito.it


    Here is a 2002 Harley Road King with a 30k € prep and Italy authorizes its use.


    The different sources:

    Revision Moto: Come e Quoo Farla - Blog Linear

    Revisione Moto 2020: Costo, Cos'e e Come Funziona, Dove Farla E Soo - The Italian Times

    Revision of Moto in Europa: Come Funziona (sicurmoto.it)

    Revisione Moto 2021: Costi, Scadenze e Procedura (sicurmoto.it)

    Revisione Moto: Cos’e, Ogni Quano Farla e Esteo Costa | Vertical



    DENMARK FLAG: Denmark on Apple iOS 14.2  


    The rules in Denmark are close to those established in Spain or Germany.

    Indeed, technical control organizations also bear the cap approval organization (which is not the case in France). 


    Rules during motorcycle technical control

    The rules do not apply to motorcycles (less than 49.9cc).

    Here are the most frequent cases where the owner must have his motorcycle controlled:

    • During a change of owner, when the motorcycle is between 5 and 10 years old and the last approved control was carried out more than 2 years ago. 
    • During a change of owner when the motorcycle is over 10 years old and that The last successful control was carried out more than 1 year ago.
    • When importing a motorcycle.
    • When changing the motorcycle design.
    • During cases of change in the registration of the motorcycle.

    So, It is most often during the sale/purchase of motorcycles that a service inspection comes into play.


    However, major major changes in motorcycle design can also cause motorcycle technical control.

    Here are some examples:

    • Fourche replacement 
    • Replacement of the rear swingarm
    • Replacement of wheels whose circumference is 5 % higher or lower than that of the original.
    • Increased power
    • Replacement of brake calipers
    • Conversion of a brake brake brake
    • Mounting a float kit
    • Cutting or modification of the framework
    • Replacement of the frame.

    (These are modifications which, in France, should be subject to a passage to the Drire (ex-mines)). 

    A network of private companies performs this in Denmark in the manner of Germany. 


    Here are the elements verified during motorcycle technical control in Denmark:  

    • The lights must operate, including additional lights
    • The reflector of the license plate must be visible
    • Brake platelet thickness
    • Brake discs must be straight and exempt from rust or wear.
    • The motorcycle must brake gently, smoothly.
    • The license plate must be readable
    • The forks must be straight and exempt from wear
    • The handlebars should not be used and should not be too close to the tank.
    • The mudguards must be fixed correctly
    • Tires must have a minimum 1 mm tread
    • The chain must be equipped with protection
    • The mirrors must be fixed and intact


    The price of motorcycle technical control in Denmark:

    The average price is 200 to 600 Danish crowns, the equivalent of € 27 to € 80.

    Sources: SYN AF MC - Sådan er adjustment - dkmcs.dk

    Syn AF Motorcykel Ved Ejerskifte Eller ændringer (BilsynvoDSKOV.DK)


    Note: most of this information comes companies selling services to control motorcycles


    Here are some examples of motorcycles for sale with their valid motorcycle technical control:

    Dirt Track based on a Suzuki GS 450cc (Find Scrambler I Motorcykler - Køb Brugt På)



    HONDA CB750 CAFE RACER from 1977 approved and inspected.



    SUEDE Flag: Sweden on Apple iOS 14.2 


    The examination of technical control in Sweden focuses on the good condition and the operation of all the elements of the motorcycle. 

    Control in detail:

    - Chassis number control - manufacturer's plate / registration document

    - Framework verification, bodywork, the front fork and suspensions (condition and operation).

    - The engine and the transmission are verified. This includes the examination of fuel pipes, exhaust system, electrical system, power transmission systems such as drive/chain or pulley/belt and joints.

    - Brake verification (including the ABS system) and carrying out a functional control. During brake control, control of transmission, brakes, wheels, and the actuation system are also carried out.

    - The body is inspected, as well as the saddle, the footrests, the central and lateral supports to verify that no dangerous device has been installed on the motorcycle.

    - All fires and signaling systems are verified. This includes position lights, reflectors, traffic lights, stop lights, indicators and headlights.

    Following this general control, the motorcycle is raised and other checks are carried out to check the mechanical details such as the wheels and tires of course, your tires must comply with the required sculpture depth. Check that the wheels are balanced and that the wheel bearings roll freely.

    When checking the rolling gear, an examination of the chassis aspect below and the integrity of the engine support.

    Then there is a driving test In order to verify the reaction of the shock absorbers, the steering, the controls, the brakes, the movements of the motorcycle, counters, indicators etc ...

    This makes it possible to control the rolling, transmission and exhaust noises.

    A sound test can be performed If it is deemed important.

    On this subject :

    "Sound control during control inspections normally takes place during driving tests. If the sound is much higher than normal, a measure should be carried out. If you have a fully approved motorcycle to roll, the race and the speed Indicated on the manufacturer's plate are applied. If you have an older motorcycle, information on running and speed with a limit value> 103 dB (a) apply. " 


    A motorcycle must be inspected in the following cases: 

    • The first time at the latest 48 months after the month when the vehicle was put into service for the first time.
    • Subsequently at the latest 24 months after the month in which the previous complete inspection was carried out.

    Motorcycles aged 40 and over can be exempt from the inspection provided that the motorcycle has an approved and valid inspection in the last two calendar years for the exemption to come into force. 



     Kontrollbesiktning av Motorcykel - Transportyrelsen

     Agency regulations Swedish transport On noise measurement 

    Technical control detail: TSFS 2017_54.pdf (TransportStyrelsen.se)


    Example of preparations made in Sweden: 

    Source: Suzuki GSX 400 F "Bratana" I BRAT CAFE STYLE - HOJSTYLING.SE

    This Suzuki was modified at the level of the loop, has a new saddle, rear lights, short exhaust etc ... and it has a valid control.

    source: XJ600 - Från Pendlarhoj Till Stilren Cafe Racer - Hojstyling.se

     This XJ600 benefited from a larger preparation with a lot of work in the loop, the hull and saddle, as well as the tank.


    GERMANY Flag: Germany on Apple iOS 14.2 

    German motorcycles are subject to periodic control that is called Tüv For more than 20 years.

    In Germany, it takes 90 euros for a check every two years to obtain the Tüv label (Technischer überwachungs Verein - Association for technical control).

    Germany has an important past concerning controls and benefits from a large network of competent companies in the field.

    In addition to the common security checks to other countries, Germany verifies All parts installed

    Concerning the changes to motorcycles; There is two possibilities For the Germans:

    • Buy parts already certified Tüv
    • Have changes certified by an authorized professional.

    Take the example ofA BMW rear loop, there are products already approved Tüv And others do not have this homologation on the parts market.  Products without certification can still obtain certification from an examiner Tüv After assembly. 

    The same is true for homemade manufacturing parts which must be validated by an examiner. In this case the rule is simple, an amateur work will most likely be penalized. 

    So yes, it is always possible to make a cafe racer or a scrambler in Germany. However, the Germans' budget for preparation is necessarily higher for the purchase of TUV parts and the transition to TUV control if necessary. 

    An important point to note, TUV centers cannot be compared to French technical control. In France, technical controllers have no authorizations to certify a vehicle or a room. This task goes to other organizations. These organizations are dissociated in France as well as in several countries. 

    Veränderungen Am Motorrad - Tüv Check - 550Moto | CAFE RACER Blog



    Example of motorcycles prepared in Germany: 


    A R-Ninet Completely reworked from A to Z with engine preparation. The price is up to the changes made. This motorcycle is TUV certified.

    There is nothing original on this Harley and it is well recorded Tüv. Click on the source link to discover the list of parts. 



    Luxembourg Flag: Luxembourg on Apple iOS 14.2 

    In the Grand Duchy, the CT motorcycle has been in application for many years.

    For 40 €, the controlled points are as follows:

    • Legal documents
    • CO2 emissions
    • Headlights and bulbs
    • Horn
    • State and lifespan of tires
    • Chain tension
    • Fork tendencies
    • Brake state
    • Chassis number correspondence.


    As well as any other element whose visual aspect would require a more detailed inspection. Among these are of course Added accessories such as exhaust pots, additional lights, etc.

    In this case, the Luxembourg biker must go to the approval to determine that these accessories are well approved. If this is the case, these will be registered on the registration card for payment.

    The technical control must be carried out:

    • Before the restoration of a vehicle which has been the subject of changes technical characteristics of the approved series model (example : tuning);
    • After a significant repair Following an accident (wheels, suspensions, deformation areas, steering, brakes, inflatable cushions, etc.);
    • After a repair or transformation of the chassis ;
    • On Special summons If the expert of an insurance company noted a technical defect of an organ that can affect the safety of the vehicle following an accident;
    • As part of Periodic controls ;
    • On Special summons If the police found during a check that:
      • The vehicle does not comply with the approved technical characteristics;
      • There is a manifest technical defect of the vehicle.


    "Are these measures effective? « It is very difficult to establish a link between accident and technical failure », explains Michel Turk, president of Eurobiker Luxembourg. « If the motorcycle went to the CT in November 2018 and that an accident takes place with this same motorcycle in September 2019, this accident cannot be linked to a fault in the technical control center, unless this machine has traveled only A few kilometers between these two dates. »"


    Motorcycles technical control (Dekra-automotive.lu)

    Extract from the article: Motorcycle technical control, this ghost that haunts us ... (Moto80.be

    Pass the periodic technical control for vehicle - Citizens - Window.lu - Administrative guide - Luxembourg (public.lu)


    Example of completion circulating in Luxembourg:

    In Spain Flag: Spain on Apple iOS 14.2 


    Technical control for motorcycles has existed for several years

    As in Germany, the parts used are important and homologation organizations are the same as those of technical control (unlike France or Italy).

    Here are the main control points of the ITV motorcycle, the Spanish inspection: 

    • The frame number
    • Klaxon: he must operate
    • Lighting: All lights must work properly. Approval verification.
    • Light of license plate: presence and operation. Approval verification
    • Levers control
    • Tires: Check the depth of the grooves (minimum legal measure of 1.6 mm). The tires must be the same as those indicated in the data sheet. Approval verification.
    • Fairness: check the condition
    • Retrichers: in good condition, with approval
    • Headquarters and wings: check the condition
    • Verification of the handlebars and locking of the Neimann.
    • Bat check
    • Brakes:  Measures the front and rear brake braking efficiency.
    • Suspensions: Correct operation.
    • Exhaust: Approval verification, sound level verification compared to the manufacturer's plate. 
    • CO2 gas emissions: Measures levels so that they are within legal limits, depending on an exhaust is catalyzed or not.
    • Verification of oil, petrol leaks and the transmission state.

    As you can see, controls in Spain are more picky than elsewhere in Europe.

    In case of preparation on a motorcycle, you have to go through a company in order to have the motorcycle checked and approved. 

    Here is an explanation made by a company that performs this service: Guia-Para-Para-Tu-Moto-Sea-Homologable-reducida.pdf (Donkeymotorbikes.com)

    So the preparation Café Racer, scramble Or bobber cost more expensive in Spain because it must be certified like Germany. 

    For example the company Donkey Motorbike Offers a package of € 395 if you have changed the chassis, installed with remote controls or changed the shock absorbers to certify the modification.

    If you change the brake system or other more important change the price goes to € 850.

    Additional costs are to be expected to make a preparation. However, the advantage is that This is easier than doing the process as well as via Drire in France for example.

    Example of preparation coming from Spain: 

    Source image
    Source: BMW R 100 - MOTOCASION.COM

    A BMW with a welded back loop that is validated.


    Here is another example made by Cafe Racer Sspirit on a Ducati Monster 900 



    Pasar itv Moto, Puntos a Revisar para la inspected Y Consejos (itvcitaprevia.es)

    La Verdad Sobre Homologar Las Cafe Racer Y Pasar La ITV - Best Cafe Racers

    Modifying Cafe Racer Sin Homologación - Donkey Motorbikes



    In short, other European countries that apply a motorcycle technical control: 

    • Austria: control After 3 years from the first recording, then after 2 years and finally each year;
    • Bulgaria: exam every 2 years;
    • Croatia: Control after 2 years from the first registration, then each year;
    • Estonia: Control after 3 years from the first registration, then three times every 2 years and finally each year;
    • Greece: control every 2 years;
    • Latvia: control every 2 years;
    • Lithuania: control after 3 years from the first recording, then every 2 years;
    • Poland: control After 3 years from the first registration, then after 2 years and finally each year;
    • United Kingdom: Control after 3 years from the first registration, then each year;
    • Czech Republic: control after 4 years from the first recording, then every 2 years;
    • Romania: control every 2 years;
    • Slovakia: control after 4 years from the first recording, then every 2 years;
    • Slovenia: Control after 4 years from the first registration, then twice every 2 years and finally every year;
    • Hungary: control After 4 years from the first registration, then every 2 years.

    What sauce are the French will be eaten? 


    Here are our assumptions of April 2021 after global study of the situation:


    As we have seen, the situation and infrastructure in France are different from other countries.

    France does not have a TUV type organization As in Germany and not approved professionals as in Spain.

    Moreover, France has biker associations like the FFMC allowing to defend the interests of bikers.

    So it is unlikely to have the application of a motorcycle technical control as in Germany and Spain.

    THE Motorcycle technical control should be carried out by the same centers which already carry out the controls for the cars. The technical control centers are not aware of the vehicle upon receipt of the factory. Their job is to follow specifications to ensure that the vehicle is no risk from a road safety point of view.

    Like Sweden or Italy.


    Concerning the rest of events

    At first, France must clarify the situation on what will be applied.

    Then, if the Motorcycle technical control is chosen from all the solutions that can reduce the number of bikers accidents, the characteristics will have to be defined.

    In addition, we will have to wait Minimum 2023 (see 2025) so that all technical centers acquire the equipment necessary to make the controls for a motorcycle.

    THE Motorcycle technical control Maybe will be very close to Italian or Swedish motorcycle control with a security elements control Efficient and non -discriminatory


    Another valid possibility

    Other solutions could be implemented instead of compulsory technical control.

    It is possible that there is a check in the event of sale or after an accident. This is what the Wallonia region considers in Belgium envisaged.

    Other solutions: 

    - More prevention

    - More awareness

    - more sharp controls carried out by the police and gendarmerie.

    It is also possible that it is still rejected and not discussed, but in this case, France will be prey to EU sanctions.



    The technical control that we could have (the disorderly case):

    A motorcycle technical control based on road safety and the environment.

    Therefore an examination of all the elements linked to these themes.

     Braking system
    • Brake fluid
    • Brake platelets and brake discs
    • Good operation - Braking test
    • Operation of the different elements: indicators, front and rear lights, stop light.
    • Presence and good operating condition
    • Wear control
    Motorcycle Premium Icon Transmission
    • State of the chain, belt or cardan kit.
    • Check for any sealing defect. (oil and, if applicable, coolant)
    The counter
    • Presence and Good operating state
    Counter witnesses
    • Presence and Good operating state
    • Presence and Good operating state
    Plate lighting
    • Presence and good working order
    Motorcycle Premium Icon Direction and suspension
    • Checking proper functioning
    Number chassis
    • Correspondence chassis and gray card check


    It could be added a sound control of the exhaust, and perhaps a pollution control depending on the year of the motorcycle.

    Basic checks and controls which are already carried out on most motorcycles by mechanics during revisions or interventions.



    MAJ of November 2022:

    Read the latest information about the motorcycle CT: 





    Some advice

    Here are some tips in the event of modification of a motorcycle in order to ensure that you can anticipate this control. 


    Keep the pieces of 

    The first advice is to Keep the original parts of the motorcycle If we plan to change certain elements that could be problematic. I think of the exhaust. We do not know if a technical center will have the technical means to control the sound volume of the motorcycle. So in this case, it would be better to keep the original exhaust. 


    For the following elements, take the elements with marking "e"

    For indicators, the front lighthouse, rear lights, tires, favor products with the "E" label. This means that these elements meet European security standards. 

    Indeed, perhaps the technical center could control this in addition to their proper functioning. 

    Note that TUV or ABE standards have no value in France. However, they can act as a quality label.


    Annual revision


    We know the importance of the biker to his motorcycle. The condition of motorcycles is very much better than cars. 

    If you feel a problem but you are not sure, do not hesitate to seek advice from experts. It is important that you feel safe on your motorcycle, but the most important thing is that you are really safe! 

    This allows you to be safe in addition to preventing any control.


    Call on a professional or a connoisseur


    It is not recommended to do something too amateur, in some cases, your life depends on it. 

    We favor neat and clean work. For this you can surround yourself with your friends with knowledge in each of the necessary areas (mechanical, bodywork, sheet metal, etc.) or directly to professionals.

    Note that the more the work will be treated, the more secure you will be, and out of technical control problem. And you can resell your project more easily.




    The motorcycle preparation is not dead!

    At first, it is necessary to fight so that this unnecessary technical control is not applied in France.

    Following the success of the events of April 10 and 11 . The FFMC obtained a response from the government on this subject and the confirmation of a postponement after 2022.

    However, the fight is not over because no decision has been made at the moment.

    As we have seen elsewhere in Europe, it is very difficult to harmonize this type of decision when each country has its own ways of doing things, its own tolerances and objectives.

    Even if it is applied one day or another, you should know that it will relate to security, a motorcycle done correctly cannot be removed from the traffic.

    Coffee racers, scramblers, bobbers, trackers still exist, even in countries where controls are drastic.

    No, this is not the end, we can continue to personalize our motorcycles.



    Do not hesitate to leave us a comment to react, if information is wrong or if you have a question.



    11 Responses


    November 28, 2022


    Très bon article même si une relecture permettrait de corriger quelques erreurs de frappe…

    Remarque quand vous écrivez : “Après des années de lutte (en partie grâce à la FFMC),”
    N’hésitez pas à écrire : " … (en grande partie grâce à la FFMC)".
    Voire : " … (pour l’essentiel, grâce à la FFMC)".

    Pour autant, compte tenu de l’actualité, il mériterait d’être mis à jour.

    Salutations guzzistes !


    May 19, 2022

    Merci pour cet article clair complet et rassurant. Je viens de finir un projet plaisir sur un seven fifty de 98 avec 28000 au compteur. je l’ai remis à neuf en café racer avec goût et qualité. J’aurai mal au cœur de ne plus pouvoir rouler avec mon jouet. Je rejoins un commentaire qui parle de revoir les chaussées, les bandes glissantes au sol et améliorer la bienveillance des automobilistes pressés 😜.
    Espérons que notre vrai sécurité soit pris en compte plutôt qu’une solution de ponction financière de plus..


    January 11, 2022

    Bonjour Je pense sincèrement que les motards sont des personnes responsables et parmi nous beaucoup sont aussi des automobilistes .mais que dire des personnes qui prennes ces décisions ne savent même pas de quoi il en retourne pour certains et par contre n’hésite pas à nous facturer des sommes par l’intermédiaire des garages Ex : ct véhicule léger.service des mines pour les poids lourd et j’en passe et bientôt ça pour les motos .pour avoir le droit de rouler et en moto que 5mois dans l’année pour beaucoup et le plus grave nous font culpabiliser et battre entre nous .il devrait un peut plus réfléchir à cela si réellement ils ce soucis de notre santé .en tout cas merci pour votre article il est explicatif une belle synthèse et très bien documenté cdlt .


    October 01, 2021

    Super article bien détaillé. Bravo


    August 30, 2021

    Quid de ceux qui possèdent 10 motos de collections de plus de 30 ans, et qui roulent 50km avec chacune par ans? Certaine bécanes ont été réparés suite à des chutes et ne possèdent pas le cadre d’origine et donc pas d’avantage le numéro de châssis frappé dessus.
    Routes défoncées, pédagogie envers les automobilistes, prévention voilà des axes de réflexions…..En quoi le contrôle technique empêchera un motard de prendre une bagnole ou un camping car de face qui à coupé le virage dans les cols de nos belles montagnes. La solution, c’est l’éducation, mais dans ce cas il faut injecter de l’argent et bizarrement là, c’est silence radio.


    August 26, 2021

    Dans votre commentaire il n y’a pas le pays qui a voté contre la mesure pouvez vous nous dire lequel cdt

    Vincent Laborie
    Vincent Laborie

    August 12, 2021

    Bonjour ,
    Qu en est il des motos d enduro ?
    Difficile de remettre en règle une moto de plus de 10ans d enduro , qui ne possaide plus de clignotant , de klaxon , et dont le faiseau électrique a été changé pour un allégé …..
    Chose qui se faisait beaucoup il y a 10/15 ans …..


    April 16, 2021

    Quid à propos des Baggers avec jante de 26 pouces et pièces provenant des USA??

    arnaud chavaroche
    arnaud chavaroche

    April 02, 2021

    Merci de ce bel article, renseigné à souhait et passionnant. Merci de ce résumé éclairé.

    Yves Peraire
    Yves Peraire

    April 02, 2021

    Actualité claire et très complète --nous pouvons alors avoir une idée très personnelle --de ces mesures concernant nos pisses-feux—- j’aurais bien aimé que les têtes pensantes nous parlent de l’état des chaussées et autres !!!!! bien ce n’est pas les mêmes rapport ,d’un côté faut engagé de l’argent
    de l’autre en engrange -- alors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Philippe Lopez
    Philippe Lopez

    April 02, 2021

    Synthèse intéressante. Merci pour le travail

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