• 600 Bandit Cafe Racer

    April 11, 2023 4 Comments

    bandit cafe racer

    Suzuki Bandit


    No need to present the Bandit ? The GSF is undoubtedly the motorcycle which was the best sold by Suzuki. This range exclusively assembled with a 4 -cylinder engine recognizable from afar thanks to its individual sound.


    The popularity of this motorcycle makes it very accessible And especially for us in love with motorcycle customization!


    The bandit has a very good base for the Preparation of a Cafe Racer. And this is what we will present to you in this article as well as our parts recommendations to get into your project!


    We will not be able to approach all the bandit models. We have chosen two popular models, the 600 bandit as well as his big sister the 1200cc.


    Suzuki Bandit 600 Cafe Racer!


    Do you always see your "good old" 600 Bandit Cafe Racer in this photo below?


    This "Red Devil" was produced by K-spat

    Bandit Cafe Racer


    Big transformation? Don't worry! We also have a less extreme model for you!


    Here is an example with this 600 Bandit Cafe Racer Kit produced by Eduardo Luft.

    Bandit 600 Monster


    The major transformation lies in the change of the rear part of the motorcycle which comes from the Ducati Monster.


    Now make way for the big sister the 1200 Bandit Cafe Racer:


    Here is one of our Belgian neighbors DeepCreek CycleWorks which made a magnificent Cafe Racer achievement on this 1200cc bandit:

    DeepCreek Suzuki


    If this color tells you something, it's of course it red candy Mazda MX5.


     DeepCreek Cafe Racer


    Abracadabra! Handlebar bracelet, round lighthouse and here is a 1200 cafe racer!


     DeepCreek Bandit 600


    Ah yes, I forgot! A back loop with its Saddle Mono Place Of course !

    The story of this transformation is great! I invite you to visit To find out how it is planned to be born.


    And now if we are joining you A recipe for successful transformation of your Suzuki bandit in a real Racer coffee?! Here is what it could give:


    The "base":




    The "unique":


    All you have to do is get started without forgetting to us Share your achievements!

    4 Responses


    March 11, 2024

    un ordre de prix?


    March 11, 2024

    un ordre de prix?


    September 25, 2023

    Bertrand, un article sera prochainement écrit sur le sujet :)


    April 18, 2023

    Magnifique….et avez vous une recette pour un vieil Hornet 600 de 98??

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